Our goal is to help others become more Biblically literate, understand the narrative of the Bible, and to know and love God more in the process.
We are setting out to provide a resource to help others open up the Word of God, understand it better, and grow in their love for it and God Himself.
How Is It All Setup
Two Years, 5 Days a Week
Surveying the world of Bible Reading plans, there seemed to be a gap in plans that were balanced. The Bible-In-A-Year plans are agressive, but some get discouraged at the volume of daily reading. Seven-day-a-week plans provide an opportunity for people to be in the word daily, but when a day gets missed, catching up is that much harder. Also, if you wanted to read the Sermon Text of your church during the week or weekend, it became and additional section to add to your daily reading.
With all that in mind, we designed a two-year, 5-day-a-week reading plan. During the plan you will go through all of the Bible. The plan is also semi-chronological, offering Old Testament and New Testament readings every day. Proverbs and Psalms are also interspersed throughout.
We also have intentionally included this podcast that will walk along with you. The podcast is designed to be listened to AFTER reading through the text that week. We will spend some time reflecting back on the reading, as well as giving a few hints or ideas on things to look for in the upcoming reading.
Our Team

Lead Pastor @ Resonate Church
Decatur, GA

Executive Director @ Resonate Church
Decatur, GA